5/20/2020 1 Comment Studio updates for May 2020
Very pleased to have Niedra Gabriel back at Temple Pilates to share her wonderful methods for releasing bound tissue and unraveling body. In this 4-hour journey through your body you will learn how to use specialized ball rolling methods to restore health and proper alignment. You'll gain valuable insight and tools for self-care and body conditioning -- for creating much needed space in the body, smoothing and elongating muscle fibers, increasing circulation (improving hydration, nutrition and detoxification) and increasing range of motion throughout the body. Niedra is a master mover and an excellent teacher with an extremely awesome spirit. I’m so honored to host her at Temple Pilates Studio. December 16th | 12 - 4 pm @ Temple Pilates Studio | 1963 e Main St, Ventura $95 / attendee | $75 for existing Temple Students |
11/20/2018 1 Comment
Filled w gratitude...
Thanksgiving week is upon us and I hope that you are all enjoying the time, preparing for whatever unique way you will be spending the holiday. This is one of my most favorite holidays, marking the end of a much loved season. It is a time to give thanks for all the bounty received throughout the year. A time to harvest and preserve all that is useful and to release and/or recycle that which is not. It's a time when I take the time to slow down and consider and appreciate all that I am blessed with and all the amazing, wonderful souls I'm lucky to have in my life. I hope you have a truly wonderful Thanksgiving.
A huge thank you to all who attended our Find Your Center workshop this past Sunday. We are so grateful for your goodness and generosity!! A total of $330 in donations were collected. The funds have been donated to the following organizations:
We chose these organizations because they are locally based and the funds directly help those who were affected by these tragedies. If you didn't get an opportunity to join us this time I hope you'll consider doing so for our next event/workshop. With love and gratitude, Nicole |
10/27/2018 0 Comments
Workshop Announcement
Combining physical and energetic centering practices to overcome the overwhelm.
Temple Pilates is pleased to announce a body-mind-spirit workshop designed in collaboration with Mikko Cook of Elemental Energy. This 90-minute workshop will help you tune into your true center (energetic and physical) and provide you with a practice and tools that can help you return to your center time and again.
In this 90-minute workshop, you'll learn about the chakra system and your seven primary energy centers, how emotional energy and the constant chatter in our heads throws us off balance, and how to use Pilates techniques and energy healing skills to clear emotional energy, quiet the chatter and embrace the calm.
In this 90-minute workshop, you'll learn about the chakra system and your seven primary energy centers, how emotional energy and the constant chatter in our heads throws us off balance, and how to use Pilates techniques and energy healing skills to clear emotional energy, quiet the chatter and embrace the calm.
Sunday, November 18th @ noon @ Temple Pilates Studio
Cost: $25 per attendee, $20 for existing Temple Students
Cost: $25 per attendee, $20 for existing Temple Students
Nǐ hǎo friends... I've got some exciting news to share… In less than two weeks, I will be in Beijing, presenting at the 2018 APSC. This annual convention represents the core of Pilates in Asia. It's a great honor to be invited to present and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to share my teaching and passion for Pilates with other professionals and enthusiasts in China. I can't wait to meet everyone. I will be out of the studio Nov 1-8th and look forward to returning home filled with inspiration and new insights and perspectives to share with my students. I suspect it will be quite an adventure. If you're interested in following along, I’ll be posting regularly on social media.... please join me on IG @templepilates or on the Temple Pilates Facebook page. Xiè Xiè, Nicole |